Dear Parents,
Holidays are time when you can connect with your child in many ways. As you are your child’s first and most important teacher, you can encourage your child’s love for learning by participating in educational activities at home. Working together on the activities will help your child build confidence, learn to reason and develop skills necessary for his / her education. Holidays are the best time to nurture a child’s talent and to learn something fruitful.
- Take your child for a morning walk, talk about things you see around.
- Play indoor games with your child like ludo, carom, scrabble etc. Feed grains to the birds.
- Let your child help around the house doing small jobs like dusting, cleaning the table, filling water bottles, watering the plants, etc.
- Spend as much time as possible with your child during holidays. To spend some quality time with your child, take them out for a movie and have fun together.
- Please make sure that your child completes his/her holiday assignment.
- Make your child do yoga everyday at home during summer vacations.
- Kindly make your child write H.A. and date at the top of all the pages of copies and books given for holiday assignment. Kindly make your child learn the home address and mobile numbers of his / her parents.
- Motivate your child to get up early and go to bed early and to say morning and bed time prayers.
- Kindly encourage your child to speak in English.
- Please ensure that your child doesn’t do extra work / rough work in C.W. copies.
- Encourage your child to speak magic words like Thank you, Please, Excuse me, Sorry etc.
Assignments for all the subjects have been given to your ward. You should encourage your child to do the assignments daily basis and avoid procrastinating things so that the assignments don’t get piled up for the last minute. For Holiday Assignment, child will get grades in the report card.
Finally it is requested to kindly monitor and review the progress of your child regarding their summer assignments on a daily basis & keep him/her motivated so that the assigned task is completed well in time in a regular and smooth manner.
Happy Holidays …… Have a cool summer ahead and take good care of yourself and your family.