Dear Parents,
Our only aim at St. Michael’s School is to foster your child’s well-being and build their foundation for all round success throughout their life. Back in my school days, I remember how much we used to take pride in our school blazer, our school motto and the values imparted to us by our teachers. A tuck shop nearby used to offer us snacks for free, because he respected education and loved watching children grow in a good environment. The memory is still etched in my mind because it taught me the value of education, something that many of us take for granted. There are thousands of individuals who are bereft of it.
We have worked very hard to bring to our students every possible facility, be it world class laboratories, a well stocked library or a professional team of sports teachers. I will request our students to use these facilities to their maximum advantage, immerse themselves in learning, and wear their school blazers with pride. For us, it has and always will be ‘Children First’.
Mr. Rajat Behl
Dear Parents,
I understand how challenging it can be to manage our children’s emotional outbursts and tantrums sometimes. But I hope you understand that it is a child’s way of communicating distress and not defiance. A child has a high emotional intensity but a lower coping capacity. A few strategies that will help you to deal effectively with your children and help channelize their energy towards their growth would be:
- To be very loving and patient with them.
- To stop over-scheduling their lives with activities, instead keeping them restful and relaxed.
- To keeping them engaged in constructive activities and devoting a lot of family time in your routine. Take out time to play with them, ride bicycles and walking with them and you will notice how much your bonding increases. This is crucial for your child’s development.
- Be a positive role model for them as your child learns the most from you.
We at St. Michael’s School focus on the holistic growth of children that leads them to become self-aware individuals. Your love and interest towards your children at home will have a catalytic effect on their learning in school. This is because education is not information gathering but the application of values in life.
Mr. Ranjeet Kumar